OxyGenesis Oxycise(c)

OxyGenesis Oxycise™

Developed over the last 15 years by Lois Grasso, this is the daily program she uses to maintain a healthy and joyful body, mind and soul. This 20-minute workout is extremely gentle and enjoyable. The focus is on maintaining a relaxed body and mind, while rotating each of the major joints and breathing steadily, in rhythm to your movements. Feel refreshed, relaxed, energized and uplifted in just 20 minutes a day. Advanced programs include powerful techniques for deliberate creation.

At the OxyGenesis Institute, you can be trained in this exercise, one-on-one. In addition, a video will soon be released for you to follow at home.

Call 860-796-1480 today for a free initial consultation.

(Click here for Techniques Overview)

Other Techniques:

BAM Therapy™
Fitness Training
Internal Exercises

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breathing for mental acuity
Breathing for Stress
Peak Performance
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Breathing for Spirit
Family Breathwork
Breathe for Longevity
Breathe for Health
Breathwork for Voice