Earn a FREE 90-minute PRIVATE SESSION when you refer us to an individual who comes in for at least two private sessions or an organization that holds a seminar with at least 20 participants! We offer free one-hour seminars to non-profit organizations, churches, and corporations, as well as more in-depth fee-based programs to corporations, health institutions, yoga studios and government agencies. PowerTools™ for Healthy RelationshipsDo you sometimes feel baffled and frustrated by friends, family members and co-workers? Not sure how to get what you want and need without upsetting the applecart? Relationships are the building blocks of our lives. Yet most of us are still being hammered by fears, beliefs and communication skills that were learned as a child, when we had limited resources and understanding. When you trade in the old toolbox for a new model, relationships shift almost effortlessly. This workshop will help you identify your counter-productive fear-belief patterns and trade them in for highly productive communication skills. Also… PowerTools™ for Parents & Families PowerTools™ for Eliminating Self-Sabotage PowerTools™ for Eliminating Pain
PowerTools™ for ProsperityAre negative subconscious beliefs secretly driving your behavior and creating results you don't want? If your life is not the way you want it, the answer is YES! Maybe it's time to get back in the driver's seat and take the wheel! Experience amazingly effective tools for renovating those self-limiting beliefs that take you off-course and sabotage your success. Using Conscious Breathing and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), you will be guided to identify a conscious desire, eliminate an opposing belief and install a belief that supports your highest intentions. Put your subconscious mind in the backseat, and you've got a tremendous ally! We'll show you the latest - and easiest - way to reprogram your whole mind for true success. PowerTools™ for Improving Your Game Why stress over your game? You can easily master our highly effective, state-of-the-art "powertools" that allow you to instantly induce a relaxed-alert state of mind. Our amazing process can also eliminate self-limiting chronic stress that quietly undermines your performance - without your awareness. Master the mental side of the game while enhancing body/mind sync, clarity, and energy levels. Then apply the same techniques that improve your score to enhance any aspect of your personal or professional life. Measurable results guaranteed. Make your next game the one that changes your life! - Natural, relaxed focus & concentration
- Consistent self-confidence
- Greater enjoyment and ease
- Deeper breathing ability
- Less anxiety about competition and winning
- Greater physical mobility and comfort
How to Turn Stress Into Fuel for Success!Do you get stressed out at least once a week? What if you could easily turn that stress into fuel for success? Well, don't miss this workshop! This is not your typical stress-management workshop. It is about eliminating stress, not "managing" it. Participants discover their own physiological and psychological patterns that cause stress and anxiety. Then discover EFT, a simple and fast technique you can use anywhere, anytime, to disarm those "hot-buttons" that can send you into a tailspin. Learn how to wipe out anxiety, anger, pain and other stress-producing feelings. Then use a slightly different version of the same technique to transform the energy that stress would have wasted, into energy you can use to create more of what you want! Laughing All the Way To Your… Health / Cubicle / Exam / Boss's OfficeWhen is the last time you had a really good belly-laugh? If you can't remember, you really need this event. If you can remember, you'll want to come. It doesn't get much better than this: Have a blast while reducing stress and improving your health! Laughter Yoga is a growing international phenomenon that combines a delightful blend of playful, empowering, and tension-relieving laughter exercises. It has many proven benefits besides the sheer joy of laughter: It strengthens the immune system, combats negative effects of stress, and is a powerful antidote to anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, asthma and chronic pain. Laughter has anti-aging benefits too, and it stimulates heart and blood circulation better than the typical aerobic exercise. According to Stanford University's Dr. William Fry, the benefits of one minute of laughter are equivalent to 10-minutes on the rowing machine. And it's a lot more fun! Even though we'll be laughing hysterically together for a full 20-30 minutes, Laughter Yoga is just as safe and appropriate for the disabled as it is for athletic types! A 30 - 45-minute program recommended for corporations, organizations, clubs, churches and yoga centers. We'll get your Laughter Club started and train participants to continue on their own after 12 sessions. Get more info here. PowerTools™ for Students: Turn Stress Into Success"During classes and exams, stifling learning and performance. Accelerated learning techniques help them to learn very effective ways to reduce or eliminate that "stressed-out" feeling instantly, without any other special skills. One of these "PowerTools" is a simple yet uncommon breathing technique that is easy to learn and repeat. Another amazing PowerTool is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), a simple procedure that involves tapping on certain acupressure points to calm the body/mind when anxiety, pain or tension arises. EFT can be used for nearly-instant relief from headaches, pain, PTSD and phobias too, so reducing stress and anxiety around learning is quite easy with this technique. The following programs are tailored versions of the above…PowerTools™for Eliminating Self-Sabotage PowerTools™ for Healthy Eating Habits PowerTools™ for Managing Difficult Thoughts and Feelings PowerTools™ for Health & Healing Professionals Corporate & Government ProgramsPowerTools™ for Managing Change in the Workplace PowerTools™ for Conflict Resolution PowerTools™ for Communication Challenges PowerTools™ for Managing Difficult People PowerTools™ for Eliminating Self-Sabotage PowerTools™ for Health & Fitness / Weight Management Call 860-796-1480 today for a free initial consultation. |