The OxyGenesis Mission, Breathing Therapy for All

Our Mission

The OxyGenesis Institute is a non-profit 501(c)3 foundation, dedicated to expanding awareness of the immense variety and depth of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits that can result from conscious breathing development.

Our trademark, OxyGenesis™, a combination of the words Oxygen and Genesis, represents the inextricable relationship between body and spirit. It also reminds us of the fact that cell regeneration is based on the process of oxygenation.

We guide and support individuals, couples, groups, and organizations toward consistently vibrant health and joy, by way of therapeutic processes, breathing development exercises, personal and professional training, as well as products, lectures and consultations available worldwide.

By the year 2006, we plan to offer residential health programs to those who are ill or wish to learn healthier practices for living well. Our programs will harness principals of oxygenation as well as a variety of complementary holistic modalities, in an environment that models and teaches the highest levels of conscious love and responsible self-care.

Tax deductible donations are gratefully accepted.

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breathing for mental acuity
Breathing for Stress
Peak Performance
Breathing for Stability
Breathing for Spirit
Family Breathwork
Breathe for Longevity
Breathe for Health
Breathwork for Voice